All posts by Merdrick

Your Goals, Big Rocks, And Your Time

You’ve likely heard the story or watched a video about big rocks and how it relates to your time.

what are your big rocks? jar of rocks.

Big rocks are the important things in your life. Tasks that support your values. To-dos that move you forward in your business or your personal life. Activities that are important to you. And the sand and pebbles fill in the other parts.

If you fill a glass with sand (emails, interruptions, time-wasters), there is no room for the big rocks (exercise, time with family and friends, work tasks that truly move your business or career forward). But, if you fill the glass with big rocks first, the sand fills in the cracks around them. 

You can have the same amount of sand and rocks. Same size cup. Different order of dealing with them. 

Spend some time this week thinking about your big rocks. What are they? Are you making time for them and scheduling them first? Figure out what they are and start scheduling them first. 

Let the sand fill in around them. 

And remember, sometimes we have to say no to things that seem good because they’re not great. And they don’t support our big rocks. Maybe they get put on the someday/maybe list (a topic for later this month). Or maybe you simply say no because they don’t support your big rocks. 

When we focus on our big rocks, even through small steps each day, big things can happen. 

Schedule a call with me if you want help figuring out your big rocks! Or get a PDF to help get you started.

Do You Feel Like It’s Never Enough?

Do you spend your days running from one activity to another with your kids? Playdates, tutors, sports, and music lessons, one right after the other. Until you get home and realize you never planned dinner and the kids still have homework and you’re all exhausted? Then you remember that after dinner, you or your partner are running back out the door to attend one of your commitments at church or school or somewhere? And it feels like it’s never enough.

empty swing on the beach. It's never enough.

Why do we do this to ourselves? Are you happy rarely being present and with being exhausted all the time? 

Do you do it because you feel you need to? 

Because you’re so busy you’ve never taken the time to think about why you’re doing all of this? 

Time studies show that working moms spend as much time with their kids each week as stay-at-home moms in the 1960s. And SAHM’s spend more time with the kids now than in the 1960s. 

(I will pause here and say, that all moms work, whether they have a paying job in addition to child-rearing or not. For the sake of this discussion, working moms are those who have a paying job. And SAHM’s are full-time stay-at-home moms.)

And, no matter what we’re doing outside of parenting, society tells us it’s never enough. It starts with mommy and me classes (why dads aren’t included here is a topic I’ll get into soon). Then all the afterschool activities and the intensive help with homework and school projects. 

And it intensifies as kids get closer to college age. We’re conditioned to believe that our kids must get into the best colleges or they won’t be successful in life. Heaven forbid they want to go to the local community college or try something different with their lives. That’s not ok. We’ll look like failures as a mother. 

And, to be a good mother, we must be on the PTA, attend all activities that we possibly can, volunteer in the classroom, and bring homemade goodies anytime food is required. 

I volunteered once in my kids’ preschool and decided that it was not for me. I did volunteer a few times during my oldest’s kindergarten and first-grade years. And I left the PTA because I think schools shouldn’t have to fundraise and it just creates even more distance between wealthy and low-income schools (also a topic for another time). And I’m not going to feel guilty about any of it.

If you want to volunteer for these things and it works with your schedule, then do it. If it doesn’t, then let it go, and don’t feel bad about it. Society needs all types of people to function. We cannot be all things to all people. 

On one hand, many articles (mostly in the 80s and 90s) came out telling mothers they were abandoning their kids by going to work. That this was going to be the downfall of society because moms were working outside of the home and not home raising kids and taking care of the house. 

At the same time, time studies were showing that mothers were spending more time with their kids than previous generations. 

So our society is built on this myth that moms must spend all their time enriching their kids’ lives.

And as mothers started working outside the home, they started sacrificing sleep, self-care, and their sanity to spend as much time as possible with their kids. 

And feeling guilty about the whole thing because they feel like they’re failing no matter what they’re doing! 

Let’s all admit that this is hard. Parenthood doesn’t come with a guide. We’re doing the best we can with the resources we have. Whether you work outside the home, stay at home, work part-time, have no choice for either one or fully choose it, let’s all support each other in this. 

If you don’t want to volunteer on the PTA or in the classroom, don’t. If that’s your jam, then do it. Let’s be aware of these myths society is selling us and know that we’re all just doing the best we can.

Contact me and let’s chat about how this shows up in your life.

It’s Not That Simple When There Are Too Many Steps.

Sometimes, there are too many steps.

I’m standing in my kitchen. I need to empty my coffee maker. I’d like to clean it out too.

it's not that simple Toys on stair with foot about to step no them.

But I’m stuck. The compost bin is full and if I attempt to dump coffee grounds in it, the grounds will end up all over the counter.

I don’t want to take the time to empty the compost bin before I clean out the coffee maker. It’s a few steps, but it feels like too many right now. I have other things I need to get to. 

So, I do what any sane person would do in this situation, I walk away to deal with it later. 

While this is a simple (and maybe silly) problem, this feeling of being stuck, of wanting to deal with something but feeling overwhelmed by the steps, is common. 

It might be wanting to hire a housecleaner or a nanny. Maybe it’s getting your kids to do more around the house. Or you want regular date nights with your partner but don’t have a reliable babysitter.

Whatever it is, take a few minutes to figure out the steps to get you there. Whether it’s researching babysitters or asking your neighbors for their housecleaner recommendations.

Whether it’s something where you need to do it yourself or you want to delegate it, getting started is tough.

But think about what that’s costing you in the long run. If you could hire a nanny or a house cleaner, what kind of time would that get you? 

Figure out the first step and then take it.

Want support? Schedule a Get On Track Call today.

What Happens When We Lose Our Ability To Play?

Have you lost your ability to play? 

ability to play. empty swing on a beach.

When we become mothers, we’re so focused on raising children, taking care of the house, working, etc. that we forget how to have fun.

Our society makes us think that leisure time or doing anything for fun, without a purpose, is lazy. That there must always be a purpose to something. And yes, we talk a lot about productivity and priorities here. 

It’s also important to play. Taking a break, resting, and recharging helps our productivity. We might come up with a solution to a work problem while on a hike. Maybe the next great idea for your business comes while walking your dog or spending time with friends. 

We often collapse on the couch to watch TV because we’re too exhausted to do anything else. But watching TV is not always restorative. We choose it because we’re not sure what else to do with our time. It’s an easy choice. Or we’re folding laundry, paying bills, or doing something else while we watch TV. 

And we don’t need one more thing to do. It’s easier to keep plugging away at our to-do list. We’ll do something fun when our kids are older or the to-do list is done.

What if we took the time to play? 

The National Institute of Play says on its website that play is the gateway to vitality. 

Studies have shown that kids who have more unstructured free time to play are more socially and academically proficient in life. Kids need to have unstructured free time. This is where they learn social skills, their limits, etc. 

But play shouldn’t be only for kids. Adults need it too. And it needs to be something we do for the fun of it. 

Escape Adulthood is one of my favorite places to remind me to add a little play to my life. They remind me to stop being so focused on my to-do list and be more present. To find ways to add fun and whimsy to my days. And that it doesn’t need to be a big event for it to be fun.

Play could be learning a new instrument, taking voice lessons, learning how to sew, volunteering, taking a class on any topic that interests you, or hiking. The point is to do it for the fun of it. Not because you need to do it for work or you want to lose ten pounds. 

I want to add more play to my life. Find new hobbies, and learn new skills. And learn to be more present. I’d like to buy a piano soon and start taking lessons again. I’d like to snowshoe and cross-country ski. If you want some virtual yoga or meditation in your life, check out Cindy Glennon Wellness

What about you? What do you do for fun these days? 

What you do for fun? If you’re unsure how to make this happen, schedule some time to chat so we can help you find time to play!

What Is The Ideal Mother?

I recently talked about maternal gatekeeping. How, as women, we’re conditioned to believe we’re better at parenting and housekeeping than our partners. How we are the ones who need to control everything, to ensure it’s done right (or done at all). And how we need to stop letting society create these ridiculous standards. 

This conditioning comes from what’s known as the Ideal Mother. This is the idea that a mother knows best. We’re led to believe this from a young age. 

Society conditions men to believe they are the ideal worker and the breadwinner. Jobs are designed around the ideal worker. The person who is always available for their work. They don’t have a life outside of work. It’s expected that there’s someone else (usually a wife), at home making sure the kids are taken care of, the house is cleaned, and dinner is on the table. 

So what happens when the wife works too? Life gets complicated. Women are expected to work like they don’t have a family to take care of and care for their family like they don’t have a job. 

But this isn’t possible and it isn’t fair. And it’s time to break this expectation. 

And it starts with a conversation. 

Yes, this might feel like one more thing you have to do. And it is. But it’s also the only way we’re going to change things. We need to get our partners on board here. And not in a guilt and shame-filled way. But in a way that leads us to be true partners, sharing childcare and household tasks in a way that’s fair to everyone. (that is different from sharing things 50/50). 

woman overwhelmed by too many tasks around the house. the ideal mother maternal gatekeeping

One of the first things to discuss is an acceptable level of cleanliness which Eve Rodksy, in her book Fair Play, labels Minimum Standard of Care. These are the agreed-upon expectations of everything in a house. Who cleans out the cat litter and when does it happen? What about the trash? What about family activities, like soccer, piano lessons, church choir, etc.? How many activities does each family member take on each season? How often do you have family dinners? 

When my kids started elementary school, I decided we were only attending birthday parties with my kids’ friends. Not every birthday party. We were not going to sign up for every activity possible. Each person gets one, maybe two activities per semester. 

Remember, you do not need to spend every day after school driving your kids around to activities. Pick one of their favorites. Carpool. Schedule things so it all happens on one crazy day, where you have take-out for dinner. Or where you can trade off with your partner on who does the driving. Meet a friend for a walk around the park while your kids are at soccer practice. Or spend one-on-one time with one kid while the other(s) are at practice. 

Don’t feel obligated to say yes to everything.

There is no need to wear yourself out. It is ok for kids to be kids. To learn how to entertain themselves. Let them figure it out. 

If you want to talk more about how to incorporate this in your life, and how to let go of all of the tasks, schedule some time with me! Or, sign up for my private podcast for more ideas!

It’s Just Easier If I Do It Myself: Maternal Gatekeeping

What is maternal gatekeeping and how does it impact you?

How often do you find yourself muttering…it’s just easier if I do it? Then spending the rest of the evening resentful that you did something that you feel you shouldn’t always have to do? 

maternal gatekeeping

What if, instead, there was a conversation about the task and the opportunity for someone else to do it?  Maybe it wouldn’t always be on you. If expectations were set about when and how a task was done (and who was going to complete it), it would happen without you constantly asking. 

It is possible. 

Women are conditioned that we’re the more capable parent. So we take over every aspect of raising kids and taking care of our house. 

This is known as maternal gatekeeping. It impacts relationships with our partners and our kids. It can be unconscious and unintentional. But it’s detrimental. (It can also happen in families where the parents are not together.)

Our society has told us that if a child isn’t thriving, it’s mom’s fault. If the kids aren’t wearing matching clothes or spending all their waking moments at some enrichment program, that they’re never going to get into a good college and will fail at life. 

None of this is true. And we need to stop buying into it. 

My kids have dressed themselves from a young age. They often don’t match. Their clothes are inside out or backward (sometimes both). For me, it’s more important they get themselves dressed and have agency over their own lives. It doesn’t even matter if they’re wearing weather-appropriate clothes. I just want them dressed.

And, there are costs to taking on all the emotional and mental labor of a household.

We’re tired, exhausted, drained, cranky, sleep-deprived. We are not taking care of ourselves so there’s little left to give to others. And we don’t see a way out. 

We still see dads as clueless, almost like another child we have to take care of. But dads are fit to parent. And we need to let them. It might look different than your way, but that’s a good thing. 

So what can we do about it? 

First, we can be aware of when we’re doing it. Are you redoing the dishwasher after someone else has loaded it? Do you passive-aggressively complain about how your husband never empties the trash? Are you grumbling about how you always plan family vacations and never enjoy them because it feels like it’s just as much work as being home? (That last one is me!) 

Then have a conversation with your partner about it. Without blaming or shaming your partner, talk about how you want things to be fairer around the house. Find a couples counselor who can work with you through this. Schedule time with me to talk about it. Read the book by Eve Rodsky called Fair Play

Talk about what really matters in your life. What is essential for everyone’s happiness? 

Want to talk about this more? Schedule some time with me!

Or, sign up for my private podcast.

More Thoughts On The Dishes

Ever redo a task that someone else did because you feel it was not done well enough? Maybe it’s the dishwasher, maybe it’s folding laundry, maybe it’s something for work. 

And how often do you complain that others in your house don’t help? Do you spend your time with friends complaining about how you do it all around the house? How your partner just doesn’t see all that you do or even know that you do it?

You feel exhausted, overwhelmed, or tired of it all.

I wonder if we bring some of the chaos on ourselves

I wonder if by redoing a task that someone else completed, we take away their power and motivation. Thereby starting a cycle where they stop doing it and we get mad because now they’re not doing it. 

I had a college roommate who would reclean the bathroom after I cleaned it because he didn’t think I did a good enough job. So I stopped cleaning the bathroom. Maybe he got mad and now he thought I was lazy, but I’m not going to do something that someone else is going to redo. It’s not worth my time and effort. 

What if our partners (and maybe even our kids) feel this way? They’re tired of the nagging and having their work redone. Wondering why they even bother if it’s not good enough. 

Last week I talked about how men and women have the same level of messiness. Society conditions women to care more and get to it quicker. So we expect tasks to be completed on our timeline. Not allowing others to have agency. 

I wonder what would happen if we set the expectation of when something needs to be done and let our partners do it on their own time.

It can start with a conversation. With our partners. Our families. A counselor.

Remember that half the population wasn’t raised to see all the work it takes to run a household and raise kids. It’s not that they’re ignoring it, they don’t know it exists. And, as women, when we take it all on, our partners still don’t see it because we’re doing it. 

These changes require patience and time. We’re not going to change these deep-seated tendencies overnight. But we can start. 

Let’s start by making it more visible. Stop doing all the housework after everyone else is in bed. Stop redoing something someone else has already done. Even if you can fit more dishes in the dishwasher or think something should be folded differently, stop yourself. Try celebrating that someone else did it and now you don’t have to. That’s one thing off your plate! 

Folding laundry Arm throwing laundry in to baskets redo a task

My kids don’t fold their clothes. The clothes are sorted by item and shoved in drawers. They know how to fold, but I’m not going to spend a bunch of time folding their clothes or nagging them to do it. We sort them, play a game of basketball as they toss their clothes into the drawers, and call it a day. 

Ask for help and give the other person ownership over the task. They’re not helping you, you’re working as partners. Buy the cards from Fair Play and use them for a discussion about household work. 

We aren’t going to solve this problem with a conversation, but we can start shifting it with a conversation. 

Want to learn more? Sign up for my private podcast.

What To Do About Never Ending Dishes

The dishes. Again. It seems like there are never-ending dishes.

With four people home all the time, we run our dishwasher a lot. There is often a clean load in the dishwasher, with even more dishes sitting on the kitchen counter waiting to be dealt with. 

I realized recently that I had it in my head that my husband expected me to deal with the dishes. Yes, we’re both home all day. But my schedule is more flexible, I’m with the kids more during the day, working while they’re in their remote learning classes. So, of course, why wouldn’t I be the one to deal with all the household tasks too? 

 dishes. again. let's change the narratives.

Then I realized how incorrect this thinking is. It wasn’t that he expected me to do it. He wasn’t thinking about it at all. He was focused on work. And he would deal with the dishes later, after work, while he was making dinner. 

I read an article in the Atlantic about how men and women are equally messy. But men don’t notice as much. Women feel pressure to keep their spaces clean, organized, and pretty. Ourselves too. Now, I will leave space here on how we feel more in control of our lives when we’ve cleaned and purged our house. I too clean and organized when stressed out.

Society conditions women from a young age to keep the house and family organized.

We wrap our worth up in it. Women operate on a different time scale than men. So it appears that we take it all on because men won’t. When men haven’t been conditioned to deal with it as quickly as women. 

And the pattern continues. Women take on the tasks because we think men aren’t going to do it, instead of letting them do it on their own time. Then the men just stop doing tasks around the house, because the women do it all anyway. And it continues. 

And our kids see this. They see mom doing all the household chores, organizing schedules, and planning everything. And they grow up thinking that’s how it’s done. 

It’s time to change that narrative. 

I realize I’m asking women to take on one more thing here. I’m also asking women to get their partners in on this. To start having these conversations together. To start shifting the dynamics in your house to more equity. Involve everyone in the household. Down to the youngest child. 

When my kids complain about not wanting to do something around the house, I remind them that we all live here. We all contribute to the household and we all need to work together.

Here are some more thoughts on this topic. And if you want to talk more about this, schedule a free coaching call

Or, sign up for my private podcast.

Who Has The Time To Time Block?

Do you time block? Do you know what that is? Time blocking is assigning a specific time to a specific task. This could work in several ways. 

time block. rock in sand.
  • Processing emails at specific times (30 minutes at lunch and the last 30 minutes of your workday).
  • Scheduling all the calls you need to make for work on Thursday morning. 
  • Blocking time once a week for planning the next few weeks (so important to keep you on top of things!). 
  • Mondays are for marketing, Tuesdays are for staff meetings and open office doors for any staff questions, and Wednesdays are for creative planning, etc. 
  • Scheduling time each week for bigger projects that require focused deep work for several hours.
  • Do laundry or buy groceries on certain days. 

Time blocking ensures you get the big stuff done. It’s scheduling the big rocks and letting all the sand fall around them.

Spend your days focusing on your priorities, not flinging from one task to another. You get ahead of the fires and last-minute urgent tasks.

And when you block the time on your calendar, you’ve made time for those priorities. Your brain can rest because it knows the important tasks are taken care of.

What happens if you’ve blocked your time but a crisis interrupts it? Good question.

If this happens, it helps to have a handle on your tasks and schedule over the next few days or even weeks. Then you know what time blocks to switch around. Take some time to reschedule a few things so you can deal with the interruptions. Do this only after deciding whether the interruption needs to be dealt with immediately or if it can wait.

Read more about where your time goes here. And if you want to talk about how to incorporate time blocking in your days, schedule a call with me.

How do I know if I am busy or productive?

Are you busy or productive? There is a difference!

What do clarity and productivity have to do with each other?

Are you clear on your life goals and values? Do the tasks on your to-do list support these goals? Or are you just doing things without really thinking about them?

It’s ok if you haven’t thought about it much. But let’s take a few minutes to do just that. If you’re only doing things on your list because they are there, without thinking about how the tasks fit in the larger plans of your life, then you are simply busy. Not productive.

And that’s no way to live.

Busy or productive Coffee cup saying: Don't be busy. Be productive.

Taking time to think about where you want to be in several years, or even six months ensures that what’s on your to-do list supports these plans.

It motivates you when you don’t want to do something on your list. It helps you clarify the next step.

Let’s Clarify

If you want to play tag with your kids or hike all summer, then taking a walk or exercising in the depths of winter is on your list. You might not want to do it today, but you know your future self will thank you.

If you are looking for a promotion at work or to grow your client base, then make sure the small steps you take today support that goal. It might mean a conversation with your supervisor or a business coach to understand those steps. It might mean stepping out of your comfort zone. Again, that clarity guides you.

That clarity guides you when you lack the motivation to do anything. Maybe you’re tired. The weather is crummy and you want to curl up on the couch and watch a movie. Maybe the weather is nice and you want to go play outside.

When you’ve done the work to clarify your values and where you are headed, you have clarity around today’s tasks. You know what needs to be done and you can take those next steps.

And when those tasks are small, you almost have no excuse to not tackle them!

If you want more information on how to start this work, sign up for a free coaching call! Or, sign up for my private podcast for more ideas!

Let’s Talk About Productivity Myths

productivity myths

Let’s take a look at some productivity myths. It might seem like while we are drowning in our tasks and commitments, we can’t take the time to fix things. We just stumble through, feeling like someday things will get better.

But they don’t. Because we’re not making any changes. We’re too overwhelmed. We don’t know where to start. We don’t feel that things are going to get better.

Productivity Myths

I can’t take a break or even get a good night’s sleep. I must keep working and crossing things off my to-do list.

Actually, at some point, you stop being productive because you’re so tired and exhausted.

Taking restorative breaks and even sleeping helps you get more done.

The world will not stop spinning if you take a few hours or possibly a day to take care of yourself.

And, when you rejoin the world, you’ll be more productive!

I didn’t cross everything off my list. I’m such a failure. Why can’t I get anything done?

First off, you are not a failure! My guess is you get more done each day than you give yourself credit for.

You likely have more on your list than you can actually accomplish on any given day. We only have so much time and so much energy.

Figuring out what tasks need to be done each day and letting the rest go is a big step toward changing your relationship with time.

I’d like to hear where you struggle with productivity! Connect with me on your favorite social media platform and let me know!

If you’re ready to change these myths in your life, start here.

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How Do You Know You Are Busy?

I was recently talking to someone about being busy. She said she knows she’s busy when she’s been working 7 days straight for weeks on end. Not making time for anything fun. 

And yes, that is busy. I also wonder if being busy includes those fun activities that we said yes to long ago but no longer find fun. 

If you’re used to plowing through each day, hauling kids from one activity to another (or running to your own), crossing tasks off your list as fast as you can, falling into bed exhausted at the end of the day, then you might not even be aware of how you are spending your time.

We committed to something and continue to do it because we feel we should or we don’t know how to say no. 

We do what’s on our task list because it’s there, not really thinking about why we are doing it and if it’s worth the time. 

How do we break this cycle?

What if you tracked your time, every 30-60 minutes for one, maybe even two weeks? (Find resources on how to do that here.)

Then spend time evaluating where your time is really going. 

know you are busy

When we track our time, we know where it’s going. We might think we’re spending a lot of time working, but we’re really not (or vice versa). Or that we’re rarely on social media, but in reality, the amount of time we spend mindlessly playing on the Internet surprises us. Or that all we do is laundry and dishes. But in reality, it’s less than 20 minutes a day on both. 

Then, what if we took that information and started being more intentional with our time? Finding ways to stop doing the things that no longer serve us. Focusing on the tasks that are moving us forward in our lives, both professionally and personally. Wrapping up the projects that we’ve committed to but they linger because we’re not invested in them anymore. (and, wrapping up could include delegating or deleting, if that’s possible). 

What does your time look like? Are you busy? Or are you spending your time intentionally?

If you want to talk about tracking your time and what to do with that information once you have it, schedule a 30-minute call with me!

Sometimes I Think Busy Is A Four-Letter Word

Yes, I said it. I think busy is a four-letter word. And not a good one.

Are you constantly doing something? A task on your to-do list? A commitment or activity?

busy is a four-letter word

Is everything that you’re doing moving you forward personally or professionally? Or the required parts of living, like dishes and laundry? 

Or are there things on there that you do but aren’t really necessary? You’re going through the motions, without thinking about what you’re doing? (It’s ok, be honest with yourself here). 

Sometimes, I think our society treats being busy as a badge of honor. 

We’re a country that doesn’t guarantee time off. Most companies who do offer vacation time only offer about two weeks. And those of us who have vacation rarely take that time. And if we do, we’re checking emails and taking calls. 

We never really rest. 

Outside of work, we have ourselves and our kids signed up for every activity under the sun. Every minute is a scheduled play date, sports, or music activity. Weekends are full of birthday parties, more play dates, and more sports. 

We can’t let ourselves or our kids ever utter the sentence I’m bored. (Side note here, I’ve read it isn’t actually that they’re bored, but that they want connection with you. And giving them connection, and sitting with them in their boredom for a few minutes, moves them out of it). 

We never stop that constantly running list in our heads. When we’re working, we’re thinking about the house tasks and if we’ve spent enough time with our kids. When we’re with our kids, we’re thinking of all the other tasks we’re not doing. 

So we’re never really present in our lives. This is part of our overwhelm. This constantly feeling like there’s something else we need to be doing.  

And we complain about it, but in a way that makes it seem like there’s really nothing we can do about it. (Or that we enjoy it, maybe, we’re not sure. We’re too tired to really figure it out). 

So what do we do?

So, what happens if we say no to a few of those birthday party invitations? To all the activities? Picking one or two for each family member each season? 

What if we make time for leisure? For rest? 

Those to-do lists are always going to be there. There will always be something that needs to be done.

If you have ways to manage your tasks (something I talk often about here and in my virtual community, Stride Together) you know that your big stuff is taken care of. It’s documented. It’s scheduled. There’s time. So you can focus on the work task or spending time with the kids.

What are you going to do with this leisure? 

Want to keep reading? Here’s more!

If you’re struggling with how to make time for leisure or letting go of the guilt of it, schedule some time with me!

Next week, we will look at how to know if you are too busy!

Here’s Why I Want You To Stop Reloading The Dishwasher

Stop reloading the dishwasher after someone else has loaded it. Stop picking up the toys your kids need to pick up. And, stop taking on more tasks around the house or at work because you think no one else is going to do it as well. 

stop it.

You are wearing yourself out. 

Sure, you might be able to fit more dishes in the dishwasher if you loaded it. But, if someone else already loaded it, then the task is done. Cross it off the list and move on. 

In college, I had a roommate who would reclean the bathroom after I did it. Because he didn’t think I did a good enough job. So I stopped cleaning the bathroom. What was the point? I wasn’t wasting my energy doing something that wasn’t respected. 

And I wonder if this happens in our own houses. As women, we take on tasks or redo tasks because no one else is going to do it up to our standards. 

But how is that serving you or those in your household? What is that teaching your kids? 

Of course, your kids aren’t going to put their toys away exactly as you would. But if they’re put away (even if they’re in the wrong boxes), does it matter? Sure, your partner does things differently. He or she is not you. My husband folds towels differently than I do. That doesn’t mean it’s wrong. I occasionally fold them that way now too. 

The point of all of this is a mindset shift. Find a way to let go of the way others do things. Let them be a part of the household and help each other get things done. 

If it’s important to you that something is done a certain way, explain it to the rest of your family. Help them learn it. Then let go. Or, if it’s really important, do it yourself. But you don’t get to complain when no one else helps. 

I’m not saying this is easy. I still struggle with it on occasion. But I’m working on saying to myself, Great, that’s one thing I can cross off my list.  

And I move on to the next task. 

Let me know what your mindset shifts need to be! What are you working on this week?

Here’s more on this topic.

Or, connect me on Instagram and share your thoughts on this topic with me!

Mindset Shifts: It’s All In Your Head

Let’s take a look at Mindset Shifts. Mindset is a big part of productivity. 

What? It’s not just getting as much done as possible every day? Finding tweaks to be more efficient? 

No, not to me at least. And no matter how efficient you are, there will always be more to do than we have time for. That to-do list will never end. And that is ok. 

My goal is to focus on getting the right things done each day.

Those tasks that move me forward, both professionally and personally. That I’m not just putting out fires every day. I’m making progress on projects and making time for myself and the things I enjoy doing (even if that means letting the laundry sit for a while). 

In trying to keep up with house cleaning, we clean half the house each week. It feels less overwhelming this way. In an ideal world, we work together as a family.

Recently, my five-year-old had no interest in helping us clean. I had asked her to pick up some toys that needed to be put away. She threw a fit, I got mad. No toys were cleaned up. 

A little while later, I hear her picking up the toys. She said she was cleaning up to make mom happy and help mom clean. 

The way she said this bothered me. 

We don’t clean the house to make mom happy. Yes, I might be the one leading the troops through it. But we all work together. We all help each other. It’s not just for me. It’s for all of us. We all live in this house. 

We say it’s great when a husband or dad helps out with house chores or the kids. But the men live here too. They are parents, not babysitters. My husband is my teammate, not an employee. We may have different levels of cleanliness. One of us may be more particular about how something is done than someone else. But we are a team. 

I’m talking about a subtle mindset shift here. That it’s not one person demanding everyone else clean to his or her level of cleanliness, on their timeline. It’s not taking on this level of stress making everything happen ourselves as the women in the household. 

It’s working together as a team and communicating with others in the household. 

One way to do this is through family meetings. 

Change is a Process, not an event. mindset shifts

Family meetings are so helpful in keeping the house functioning and everyone on the same page. What you talk about will change from week to week and season to season. 

Start having weekly family meetings. Our meetings are maybe 5 minutes long, that’s all my kids can handle. And right now, all we really talk about is cleaning tasks and what one fun thing we each want to do over the weekend. We also ask the kids about what went well for them this past week and what they’d like to see us do differently next week. 

Here are some other things you can talk about during a family meeting. 

  • Division of household tasks
  • What’s going well / what’s not working
  • Upcoming schedules
  • Discussion of bigger family issues – vacations, new routines, changes to a schedule, etc. 

What would a family meeting help you accomplish? Schedule a free coaching call with me to get started today! Or, sign up for my private podcast for more ideas.

Are You Ready For the Holidays? They’re Almost Here!

Are you ready for the holidays?

The pandemic is still complicating things. It might still be a year for social distancing and smaller parties. Or more of staying at home and visiting friends and family on Zoom. 

the holidays are here!

Regardless of how you spend the holidays, here are a few ideas for thriving, not surviving. 


Maybe you’re one to go overboard for the holidays. Everyone gets gifts. You mail cards to everyone you know. And your family is wearing matching PJ’s in the photo that’s on the card you send. 

If you love doing this, please keep doing it. If you do it because you feel obligated, take a step breath, and keep reading.

Make a list of everything you do during the holidays. Look at the list. Examine it. 

Do these tasks make you happy? Or are you doing them because you feel you need to? Are there a few that you can skip? 

Pick the few items that make you happy. Cross the rest off.  No one will notice! 


Ask each family member to pick one activity they enjoy and want to do during the holidays. 

Schedule it. 

Stick with the activities that your family enjoys. Skip the rest! You will all be happier. 

You do not have to say yes to every event that comes your way. If you love attending all the parties and it fills you up, then go! 

But realize that might not be true for everyone in your family. Or you. And that’s ok. 

Say yes to the events that you and your family get the most out of. 

When you’re overbooked, you don’t enjoy the holidays. It feels like one thing after another and before you know it, it’s January and you’re left wondering what happened. 

Being intentional about the events and activities you take on helps you feel present at each of them. Sinking into the fun of the moment. 

Simplify Some More

Are you hosting a meal? What can you do to make it easy? In our family, the person hosting makes the main dish and everyone else brings a side dish. Everyone signs up for something so we don’t end up with 6 side dishes of mashed potatoes. And it takes the pressure off the host to not be in charge of everything. 

Maybe it’s never been done this way in your family. Maybe it’s always been on you to make the holidays happen. That doesn’t mean you can’t request a change. At least start the conversation. It could be as simple as everyone else bringing appetizers or desserts. 

After The Holidays, Evaluate

In January, spend some time thinking about what worked and what didn’t work in December. What did your family enjoy? What do you wish you had skipped? Take notes and put them somewhere you will find next November. 

Try a few of these ideas this year. The key is to only do the things that make you happy. Don’t wear yourself out doing everything! Doing a few things allows you to enjoy those activities and tasks and get the most out of them. 

If you want more ideas on how to simplify your life, schedule a Get On Track call with me and tell me you want to talk about the holidays!

Are Lists Helpful? I Say They Are!

Are lists helpful? Yes! We recently bought a new house and moved and I made so many lists to make the process easier.

We knew we wanted to move early in the year before we’d even applied for mortgages or found a realtor. 

We started by cleaning out closets. One shelf at a time. We donated so much stuff! 

are lists helpful

Then we moved on to finding a realtor and making a list of what we wanted in a house. Where we wanted to live. The non-negotiables when it came to location or the house layout. 

And there were so many lists. Address changes to make. Documents to gather to apply for our mortgage. Items to figure out the best place to donate. 

The lists helped us know the next steps to take. I could sit down and spend 10 minutes changing addresses. I knew the order we wanted to pack the house so I could work on 1-2 boxes each day. 

So are lists helpful?

Knowing the next step of any project helps it be less overwhelming. 

When you get a new project or are stuck on a current one, take time to identify all the steps. As small as possible. 

Then do the first one. And the next one. Slowly but surely, you will get there.

Want to get started with your next steps? Sign up for my private podcast today!

Sourdough Starter. Growth. Finding Your Passion.

Many articles from the past year would make you believe that you are not doing enough. With so many people being home during the pandemic you suddenly had time to clean out your closets, finish all those personal projects that have been lingering on your to-do list, and learn a new language. And if you didn’t suddenly find yourself motivated to tackle all of these things, well, that’s on you. It’s not that you haven’t had time, you’re just lazy and lack discipline. 

Huh. Really? 

lack discipline text says: your worth is not equal to your productivity. How much you get done each day does not make you sho you are.

Because you weren’t also taking care of kids while juggling full-time work or just trying to get through the day because it seems as though the world is coming down around us. 

I have shared how I feel this pandemic has wiped the slate clean for many of us. How this is a great time to think about what we want our lives to look like as we move forward. And not to rush back to the craziness of life BC (before Covid). 

It’s ok if that hasn’t happened. If you’re aware of it but not ready to process it or figure it out. 

We are going to be processing the trauma of this pandemic for years to come. Disruption is everywhere. And the changes keep coming. 

The pandemic is still here. And as long as people are still refusing to get vaccinated and wear masks, it’s not going anywhere. Until more of the global population has access to vaccines, it’s not going anywhere. 

And we are going to struggle to move forward until that changes.

There are many articles out there related to your productivity and the pandemic. Getting motivated to work during the stress of a pandemic. (here are my thoughts on that) That with no commute, you have so much more time on your hands! You should be working more! 

Because our society will have you believe that the more you get done, the more you produce, and the more you cross off your to-do list, the better! Because our value is all about productivity. 

No. It’s not. 

You are not your productivity.

If at the end of the day, your kids are loved and fed, you are doing enough. 

Surviving a pandemic is enough. 

One of the things we talk about in my virtual community, Stride Together, is that knowing what’s important to you helps you prioritize your tasks. You focus on the things moving you, your family, and your business/job forward. Productivity is not about getting it all done every day.

If you’re struggling with this, let’s talk. I want to help you clarify these things for you. Even if it’s to set you up for success as we move out of the fog of this pandemic.

The Sunday Scaries and the Need to Escape

It’s Sunday night. I’m wondering what the heck happened to my weekend. What exactly did we do? I think I crossed a bunch of tasks off my list. The laundry is washed and dried, not necessarily put away. I’m tired. And I’m starting to dread Monday.

I’m looking at my calendar and tasks for the week. The week looks full. Maybe even overflowing. How am I going to get through this week? I’m tired just thinking about this week. I already wish it was Friday! 

dread Monday. woman looking overwhelmed at the clothes and mess in her living room.

Sound familiar? 

Life doesn’t have to be this way! Because we don’t have to continue to be so busy that we’re exhausted simply thinking about our week. 

We don’t need to dread Monday!

What if you designed a life you don’t need to escape from? 

If you knew your daily priorities and that you were able to complete them? 

Maybe you even have time for activities you love? For that ever-elusive ‘me-time’? (I promise, it is possible!)

I want you to do something for me. Spend some time thinking about what you want your life to look like in the (near) future. If you didn’t have the dreaded Sunday scaries.

Maybe it’s planning something fun that you look forward to for Monday or Tuesday nights. Nothing complicated. It could be a regular phone call with a friend. A virtual dance class or yoga class. 

Try saying no to any new activities that come your way, while you figure out what activities you and your family want to take on next. Not signing up for soccer, dance, and piano lessons for each kid. Pick one activity for each family member (which can, honestly, still be a lot to manage each week). 

I know that might feel like a lot right now. I’m just asking you to think about it. 

I think this pandemic has changed so much for all of us. In big and little ways. We’re physically and emotionally exhausted and drained. Our routines are a mess. Our ability to make decisions is fried. We never know if the decisions we’re making are right. 

Maybe you’ve spent the past year and a half barely surviving each day. It was all you could do to get your work done and take care of your kids. You looked at Facebook and felt like everyone else was taking on a new hobby or finding their passion (whatever that means!). 

And you know what? That’s ok. 

Simply getting through each day is sometimes enough. Sometimes that’s all we can do.

Let’s stop talking about getting back to normal. I don’t want to go back to normal. I’m not even sure what that is. I don’t want to go back to who I was in 2019 or even February 2020. I’m not the same person. 

For me, this pandemic has wiped my slate clean. It’s clarified so much for me. What’s important to me. Who is important to me. What I want my life to look like in the future. 

Honestly, rebuilding from scratch sounds less exhausting than going back to the way things were. Where you ran from one activity to another without really thinking about it. Attending every birthday party, sports activity, and event you were invited to. Using retail therapy as a way to feel better about how crazy things were. And talking about being busy like it was a badge of honor. 

How about creating your life with intention. Building a life that you don’t need to escape from. That doesn’t require weekly massages or bubble baths to relax or feel slightly better about things (next week’s topic). 

What steps can you start on now? They can be the smallest steps necessary! Take that first step and see where it leads you!

Keep reading here and here.

Kids Don’t Want To Clean Their Room.

A few weeks ago, we were all picking up the house so that we could more thoroughly clean it. My 5-year-old daughter refused to participate. She’s 5. She’s stubborn and she’s not going to do anything she doesn’t want to do. 

So I let it go and we all moved on. 

A little while later, I hear her saying she’s cleaning up to help me. Because mom needs it. 

helping is a lifeskill. boy cleaning up toys

Now, I understand that often our kids do stuff around the house to help mom. Mom’s the one who manages the chores and house cleaning (more on why this is a problem at a later date.) 

But I didn’t like the way she said this. I didn’t like that she was only doing it because Mom was mad. 

My kids need to learn how to pick up after themselves. Participating in a team (family) is a life skill. Helping is a life skill. So is cleaning up after yourself. Our kids need to know how to do this stuff on their own. 

We need to all participate in keeping the house functioning. 

Here are some ideas to get everyone involved: 

  • Make it fun. Don’t tell your kid to go clean their room. Their brains will shut down and it won’t happen.
    • Help them play the seek and sort game.  
    • Turn it into a game. We play basketball with my kids’ laundry. You can do the same with any toys that go into a bin. (side note, don’t use bins with lids. 
    • Have kids race against you (never against each other. Siblings are already competitive enough). See if they can put something away faster than you. 
  • Make it easy to put things away. (Lids add one more step). 
  • Have special time with them first. 
  • Do something fun together as a family once you’re done. 

If your kids are older, these same guidelines apply. Get them to participate. Ask them how they want to participate (and skipping out is not an option). 

Keep it small. We clean half the house each weekend so it’s not overwhelming. We pick up most of the mess each day so it doesn’t get overwhelming. 

How cluttered your house gets is up to you and those who live there. What is your level of acceptance of mess? I don’t have the energy for a spotless house every day. I do like a weekly reset. Figure out what works for your family. 

What steps can you take this week to get back on track? If you want help with this, schedule a free coaching call or sign up for my private podcast.