You’ve likely heard the story or watched a video about big rocks and how it relates to your time.
Big rocks are the important things in your life. Tasks that support your values. To-dos that move you forward in your business or your personal life. Activities that are important to you. And the sand and pebbles fill in the other parts.
If you fill a glass with sand (emails, interruptions, time-wasters), there is no room for the big rocks (exercise, time with family and friends, work tasks that truly move your business or career forward). But, if you fill the glass with big rocks first, the sand fills in the cracks around them.
You can have the same amount of sand and rocks. Same size cup. Different order of dealing with them.
Spend some time this week thinking about your big rocks. What are they? Are you making time for them and scheduling them first? Figure out what they are and start scheduling them first.
Let the sand fill in around them.
And remember, sometimes we have to say no to things that seem good because they’re not great. And they don’t support our big rocks. Maybe they get put on the someday/maybe list (a topic for later this month). Or maybe you simply say no because they don’t support your big rocks.
When we focus on our big rocks, even through small steps each day, big things can happen.
Schedule a call with me if you want help figuring out your big rocks! Or get a PDF to help get you started.