I’m Valerie. Mother of 2. Wife. Daughter. Friend. Community member. Food snob. Fan of dark chocolate and dry wine. And a supporter of tired moms.

I help moms gain a sense of control, spend more time with their families, and end their days feeling accomplished.
I believe that moms do too much. That’s why there are so many tired moms out there!
Society conditions moms that to have it all, we have to do it all. By ourselves.
I’m calling bull$%^ on that.
We can do better as a society to support moms and families.
My mission is to help moms learn how to get their families involved in household tasks, prioritize their lists, and create time to focus on their own goals.
Because I’ve been there. I’ve realized that I’m crossing tasks off my list that don’t belong there.
I’ve taken on more tasks around the house because my job is more flexible and my husband earns more money.
But I’ve also learned that I am not the only one who should carry the mental load of running a house.
It’s not all on me. And it doesn’t need to be all on you either.
Together, we can rebalance our household tasks. We can get our families involved. We can evaluate what we’re doing and why. We can start leaning into our values as guiding principles. Not doing what society tells us we should be doing.
Want to learn more? Start here.
Are you ready? Let’s talk.