Sometimes, there are too many steps.
I’m standing in my kitchen. I need to empty my coffee maker. I’d like to clean it out too.

But I’m stuck. The compost bin is full and if I attempt to dump coffee grounds in it, the grounds will end up all over the counter.
I don’t want to take the time to empty the compost bin before I clean out the coffee maker. It’s a few steps, but it feels like too many right now. I have other things I need to get to.
So, I do what any sane person would do in this situation, I walk away to deal with it later.
While this is a simple (and maybe silly) problem, this feeling of being stuck, of wanting to deal with something but feeling overwhelmed by the steps, is common.
It might be wanting to hire a housecleaner or a nanny. Maybe it’s getting your kids to do more around the house. Or you want regular date nights with your partner but don’t have a reliable babysitter.
Whatever it is, take a few minutes to figure out the steps to get you there. Whether it’s researching babysitters or asking your neighbors for their housecleaner recommendations.
Whether it’s something where you need to do it yourself or you want to delegate it, getting started is tough.
But think about what that’s costing you in the long run. If you could hire a nanny or a house cleaner, what kind of time would that get you?
Figure out the first step and then take it.
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