Do you ever feel like you say yes to everything and end up regretting it? It’s easy to feel ovewhelmed when we say yes to everything! We suddenly find that we have too much going on and start to feel pulled in too many directions. Let’s talk about how to feel less overwhelmed by saying yes to the right things, not all the things!
When we know our commitments, it’s easier to say yes or no to something. If it’s a work project, we can talk about renegotiating deadlines. If it’s a volunteer commitment, we know if we have the time to give. If it’s our kids asking to do one more activity, we can talk about whether it makes sense or will lead to more overwhelm.
How many things have you said yes to in your life because you:
- Didn’t know how to say no at the moment?
- Felt obligated to do it even though you really didn’t want to?
- Automatically say yes without even thinking about it because you don’t want to disappoint someone?
Remember that every time you say yes to something you are saying no to something else.
And sometimes we have to say no to something that seems like a great opportunity because we know that there’s a better one out there. (Or, we know we need to leave breathing room in our schedules). Make sure that yes is worth it.
When you learn to say no to something that doesn’t work for you, it’s the first step in learning how to feel less overwhelmed. Because life feels like you have some breathing room.
I want you to design a life that you don’t need to escape from. One that doesn’t have you dreading every Monday. Where you aren’t resentful of the activities you and your family are committed to outside of work and school.
It’s a life full of activities and tasks that deserve to be there. It’s full of heck yes’s!
This takes time and reflection, both of which I know you feel you don’t have enough.
But we can change that, together! Sign up for my private podcast today!