Let’s talk about how to add routines to your family life! Sometimes a little structure is helpful!
It’s 5 pm. I’m staring at the fridge, wondering what we’re going to have for dinner. I don’t like to cook. If it’s not planned or prepped, we’re having frozen pizza.
Once we started weekly meal planning (and prepping) our weeknight dinners got easier. Veggies and potatoes were prepped and the meat was defrosted. All I needed to do was turn on the oven, toss everything in a pan, and roast it.
Sunday is laundry day. I refuse to wash clothes any other day of the week unless absolutely necessary. If you want your clothes washed, they better be in the hamper when I start. Otherwise, it will wait until next week.
I’m working on implementing certain days of the week for certain work tasks. Something like Marketing Monday, where Monday is focused on all my marketing tasks. Maybe you have planning meetings on certain days of the week or focus on specific projects at specific times.
Do you find routines stifling or helpful?
Do you think that having routines in your life helps with your creativity? Or hurts it?
It is possible to have routines in your life and also flexibility. When your days are planned and structured down to the minute, any disruption throws things into disarray.
When you have routines and structure with space for the unexpected, everything flows smoothly.
What routines do you need in your days?
Below are a few areas to add routines to your life.
- Laundry
- Meal planning and prep
- Recurring work tasks
- Morning routines
- Evening routines
Ask yourself the following questions related to building routines.
- What are all the steps needed to complete this routine?
- When does each step need to happen?
- Who is responsible for each step?
I also recommend spending the last 30 minutes of your workday cleaning up your workspace. Check your calendar and tasks for tomorrow. Celebrate what you accomplished today. Process emails. File paperwork. Check your physical inbox, if you have one. Prepare yourself for tomorrow.
When you add routines to your family life, life gets easier! And when your brain knows that tasks are taken care of, it can solve other problems!
Want to take this further? Schedule a Get On Track call with me!